Neighborly Blends Virtual Brands & Superettes With New Food Hall Concept
January 15, 2025
Read Time
7 min

It’s the day after Christmas (the second night of Hanukkah) and my girlfriend and I have dinner plans with my best friend who is a picky pescatarian. Seeking a reprieve from a massive holiday binge, my girlfriend insists she wants to eat healthy. “Fear not,” I tell our group chat. ”I have the perfect plan, it’s just a bit of a schlep.” I convinced the group to trek nearly an hour west to a new food hall in Westlake Village, CA called Neighborly from DOM Food Group (aka DFG Ventures), the incubator behind next-gen food brands like Goop Kitchen. Neighborly hosts a hybrid of new concepts from influencers like Gaby Dalkin (@Whatsgabycooking) and Los Angeles mainstays like Mini Kabob and The Beverly Hills Cheese Store. In addition, the concept curates a selection of CPG products from up-and-coming brands as well as pre-prepared meals from eateries like West Hollywood, CA-based Joan’s On Third. One part Wonder (multi-brand, single kitchen), one part curated superette, Neighborly calls itself a “curated food hall” that not only caters to the growing demand for takeout/delivery, but also the need for modern dine-in experiences. The project is spearheaded by operators like Mario Del Pero (co-founder of Mendocino Farms) and Monika Coyle (ex head of local brands at Whole Foods) who now work at DOM.

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