Just Salad Leads Personalized Nutrition & Taste Suggestions With “Salad AI”
February 04, 2025
Read Time
6 min

As many restaurant chains have seen their sales go majority digital, we have yet to see much innovation to the ordering experience outside of better filters and upsells until recently. Last September, Taco Bell launched a “Name Your Price” feature that allowed customers to set a desired price for a meal and see all the random permutations of items that might fall within their budget. A few weeks ago, 100-unit Just Salad introduced a new feature called Salad AI that prompts diners with a set of questions to generate custom salad bowl recommendations using its entire arsenal of ingredients. The beta feature has been in the works for over a year, headed up by a new Director of AI that worked with Just Salad’s engineering team to tinker with OpenAI’s GPT-4o API on top of its menu. HNGRY recently sat down with Founder & CEO Nick Kenner to discuss its first mover advantage and what it means for the future.

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