Fraîche Turns Office Smart Fridges Into Hyperlocal, Curated Minimarkets
May 03, 2023
Read Time
6 min

There have been a handful of companies that have tried to create smarter, healthier vending machines with varying degrees of success including Everytable, New Stand, and Farmer’s Fridge. Farmer’s Fridge builds its own fridges and sells its own food, New Stand recently pivoted to selling its micro “Workplace Markets” concept to employers, and Everytable uses Byte to sell its pre-packaged meals at ~200 offices and hospitals. But few of these examples curate a variety of healthy drinks, snacks, and meals from renowned restaurants, bakeries, and CPG brands for the work environment. Fraîche, French for "fresh," is a four-year-old startup focused on servicing the multi-billion-dollar office catering market in the broader New York area. Its fridges are unlocked via a mobile app, where employees can spend daily credits typically in the $8-10 range subsidized by their employer. Thanks to its technology-centric approach, Fraîche is not only able to provide analytics to its clients around their employees’ dietary preferences, but also CPG brands looking to gain granular insights that they simply can’t get from their retail partners. Examples of CPG partners include Recess, Pop & Bottle, and La Fermière as well as pre-packaged restaurant meals from the likes of NYC eateries like Alidoro, Springbone, and Hungry House.

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